Francis: "Homosexual Couples Cannot Be Blessed" (sic)

In a second short clip (below) released by '60 Minutes' (in addition to the one on 'conservative' bishops), Francis commented on his homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia Supplicans'.

"What I have allowed is not to bless [a homosexual] union. I cannot do that because it is not a sacrament. I cannot do it. The Lord has made it so. But to bless every person, yes. The blessing is for everyone. For everyone. To bless homosexuals is against the law, against the law of the Church, but to bless every person, why not? The blessing is for everyone. Some people were scandalised by this. But why? For everyone, for everyone".

Francis' dishonesty is even more dislikable than his being unbelieving, rude, ambiguous, divisive, tyrannical, and hypocritical, etc. He knows full well that the text of 'Fiducia Supplicans' is not about blessing a single person, but about 'blessing irregular couples [= unrepentant mortal sinners]'. Couples are defined by their union.


To quote Francis [emphasis added] : "To bless homosexuals is against the law, against the law of the Church, but to bless every person, why not" Uh, you answered your own question - because it's against the law of the Church. God's law really. True that God in His Mercy let's 'the sun shine on the righteous and wicked alike' But that's to give one time to repent.
Anthony November
“Blessed be this day, but not this pope.” St. Birgitta of Sweden
60 minutes? 🤮🤮🤮
He sounds more like a politician than a Pope!
Opera 369
You still call him "Pope"? After 11 years of his anti-doctrine, anti-catholicism, anti-Church? He's never been Pope! The last Pope died in December 2022!
Along with several others in history, just a bad one, probably the worst.
Billy F
The Gaslighting Pontificate!
You can't have your cake and eat it too, Your Holiness. 🥴
True Mass
He's a Peronist. Say one thing today the opposite tomorrow.
Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no!
Dr Bobus
Peron was more Catholic
when the sheppard is not clear this happens
Opera 369
One day to the left, one day to the right, one day .. no where at all. Just to confuse the audience, any audience. This man.. This ...whatever he is, should just, genuflect on pebbles and mortify himself for 11 years worth of anti-Christic rhetoric and practices! He just loves 'publicity' any type of publicity, as long as he, dressed in white, is the protagonist.
The old "Vatican II" step. Two steps forward, one step back. In the end the revolution is solidified bit-by-bit.