“A sizable majority of Catholics (61 percent) think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38 percent say it should be illegal in all or most cases."

The Catholic Thing

Last month, the Pew Research Center published a brief profile of American Catholics based on their most recent slate of survey data. There was nothing terribly surprising in the report …
The good majority of Catholics have never really been taught the faith. The bishops are to blame.
chris griffin
@mccallansteve... May I throw 2 cents in. The Bishops and Pope Francis are to blame surely. I would add their parents to blame and the fact that science has proved the humanity of the unborn to everyone who will listen. I attribute it to 9th degree murder. They say "yes it is murder but only 9th degree murder, hardly worth bothering over. Just go to Confession then you can go on with your life. No …More
@mccallansteve... May I throw 2 cents in. The Bishops and Pope Francis are to blame surely. I would add their parents to blame and the fact that science has proved the humanity of the unborn to everyone who will listen. I attribute it to 9th degree murder. They say "yes it is murder but only 9th degree murder, hardly worth bothering over. Just go to Confession then you can go on with your life. No problem.
John A Cassani
I would bet that those who are Catholic regarding abortion are, roughly, the same cohort who believe in the Church’s true Eucharistic Doctrine.
chris griffin
Most Catholics are pro-abortion. This is surely the beginning of... ... "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8